Residents of Lerga / Residents of Auritzberri-Espinal

ZINEMA AUZOLANEAN 2024 is a collective filmic experience proposed by Hiruki Filmak that invites Lerga and Aurizberri/ Espinal’s inhabitants to portrait their villages. Hiruki filmmakers (Ione Atenea, Marina Lameiro -with family origins in Lerga- and Garazi Erburu -in Aurizberri/ Espinal) have accompanied the creative process in all its stages; not intervening on it as authors but as facilitators, being the inhabitants the real authors. Scripts from both films were developed through participatory assemblies where citizens decided what to consider in the films, how to portrait their villages, and how to be self-represented.

As a result of this process, ZINEMA AUZOLANEAN 2024 showcases two non-fiction films of approximately 20-30 minutes long. The objective of this experience is to promote creativity and decision making by bringing cinema closer to people, who go from viewers to makers.

This project is possible thanks to the support from La Caixa and Caja Navarra Foundations’ Innova Program.


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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