Marina Lameiro | Maddi Barber

Two men measure the heights of pine trees. A woman listens to what the trees are saying. The children of the village set up the camp.  A cloud of digital dots reveals the forest. The pines have said that we can ask. They always called this place “Paraíso”.

Machines will come soon.


Direction, Script, Direct sound, DOP and Editing:

Marina Lameiro y Maddi Barber

LiDAR operator and 3D image design: 
Martin Etxauri

Sound design:
Oriol Campi

Fran Fraca


Maddi Barber has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and an MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester. Her work has been screened at festivals such as Visions du Réel, San Sebastian (Zabaltegi), Curtocircuito, Zinebi, Alcances, Ji.hlava, Porto Post Doc and Las Palmas, among others. She is currently working on the development of her first feature film, “Claros de bosque”.

Featured filmography

Paraiso, 22 min (2021)
Gorria, 22 min (2020)
Land Underwater, 50 min (2019)
Above 592 Metres, 24 min (2018)
Yours truly, 15 min (2018 ) – Co-directed with Christopher Murray and Charlotte Hoskins


Marina Lameiro holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the URJC and a Master’s Degree in Creative Documentary from IDEC-UPF and a Postgraduate Degree in Audiovisual Editing from the same university.  She was part of the Collaborative Studio (CoLab) of UnionDocs in New York City as an artist in residence.

She is producer, director and screenwriter of several documentaries including Young & Beautiful feature film that, among other awards, won the Special Audience Award at the Punto de Vista Festival in 2018, was nominated for the Feroz Awards and has been shown in more than 20 countries.

Featured filmography

Dardara, 91 min (2021)
Young & Beautiful, 72 min (2018)
Volando pero no, 6 min (2016)
300 Nassau, 7 min (2016)


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

fb. tw. ig.